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My son just participated in the summer launch program and loved the HepEd portion. He is a rising fifth-grader who has struggled in school but he was totally engaged in the program you provided. Do you work directly with families? Or will you have programs that we can purchase?

– Ms. Cohen


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On + Off Screen Learning

My son just participated in the summer launch program and loved the HepEd portion. He is a rising fifth-grader who has struggled in school but he was totally engaged in the program you provided. Do you work directly with families? Or will you have programs that we can purchase?

– Ms. Cohen

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One size does not fit all

The first thing we ask a student is, what do you love to do when you have nothing else to do. Buried somewhere in the answer is a doorway to a unique individualized learning experience.

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Proven & standards-aligned

INCREDIVERSE is a student-centered, standards-aligned, project-based, multi-disciplinary STEM/STEAM education platform. INCREDIVERSE learners have achieved unprecedented results – 95% engagement and a 75% increase math and reading scores.

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Project-Based Learning

Working together on a shared goal through projects teaches learners how to take control of their learning, develop a powerful sense of self and service to others. Learners get hands-on and under the hood of meaningful projects.

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Movement is Key

Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, and cognitive performance. We include physical activity into every INCREDIVERSE educational experience.

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Mindfulness promotes growth

Every day, every class we practice mindfulness. This practice helps kids learn to focus, manage stress, regulate emotions, and develop a positive outlook.

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What makes INCREDIVERSE different?

We make learning STEM concepts fun. INCREDIVERSE is so engaging, entertaining, and thought-provoking,

learners don’t want to stop – even after class has ended.

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Does INCREDIVERSE work with schools?

We absolutely do! The platform was launched in high schools, rolled out to middle schools and elementary school. We work in the classroom, after-school, summer school, and summer camp. Our learning platform integrates seamlessly with learners, teachers, and administrative goals.

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Hi, We’re Steve and Sheila Conner!

We based HEPH ED curriculums on internship and career development programs that we’ve run in our company for the last 25 years and the journey we’ve had with our son, Stone over the last 19 years. Like every other child, Stone arrived with no rule book or manual. One day we were in the hospital, and the next day we were at home with this wriggling little boy.

From the very beginning, we made a pact to listen and watch to understand where he wanted to go. Once it became apparent what he liked, we made sure to support his interests. Who knew that we would wind up going to Japan to study robots, Italy to check out Ferrari or China to see how computers were manufactured. Stone’s curiosity led us all over the world and countless places on the internet. As of this writing, Stone has started his own company and holds cool car meets here in Chicagoland and San Diego where he’s studying engineering. He found his path!

Outside of Stone and our internships, we have always helped learners grow in creative ways. We have written and produced for Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow. We have developed shows for Nickelodeon and even won a Parent’s Choice Award for our own educational puppet show called Avenue E!

Now we pour all of this experience into lessons for your students. We are happy to be here to help them find their path!

Steve & Sheila

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